“7 Tips to Attract a Soul Tribe for Personal Growth”

In your journey to self-awareness, personal transformation, and living the life of your dreams, attracting a soul tribe can bring positive results.  The significance and benefits of growing with others who are like-minded and “on your side” cannot be underestimated.  It is more than “finding your peeps.”  It is a connection at the soul level. Your personal transformation and spiritual development can be significantly enhanced by attracting your soul tribe. 

What is a soul tribe, how do you attract one, and what are the benefits?  The concept of a soul tribe is a group of people who share a quest for personal transformation.  The quest usually includes commonalities, unconditional support, goal attainment, and spiritual development.  A soul tribe emerges as we travel along our life paths filled with kindred spirits who are also focused on their transformation.

Tip #1 - Your First Soul Tribe

Your first soul tribe is your family of origin.  I grew up in a family of six children - “The Siblings.”  This is where I learned the “rules of the road.“  I learned valuable lessons about honesty and integrity, such as “let your word be your bond; “if you lie, you will steal,” “toughen up,” and “don’t jump in the river” to follow the crowd for external validation.   My personal favorite:  “Use your head for more than a hat rack.”

Stay grateful for the love and support of family members and the lessons learned. 

Tip #2 - The Work Soul Tribe

Professional relationships tend to center around mentorship and mostly remain at the superficial “associates” level rather than evolving into a soul tribe.  Early in my career, I was fortunate to find a work soul tribe who treated me like family.  We didn’t “hang out” with superficial activities after the work day ended.  They stepped up, showed me compassion, and helped me when needed. I had no family living nearby.  Following medical procedures and transportation challenges, they would take me into their homes until I could literally get on my feet.  They invited me for holiday dinners and included me in family celebrations.  I still maintain contact with former co-workers and colleagues from over 30 years ago.  They keep me grounded and grateful for continued soul tribe connections.  They taught me to “pass it on.”

Stay grounded and value authentic connections.

Tip #3 - The Spiritual Soul Tribe


A spiritual community is a wonderful place to attract your soul tribe.  My spiritual soul tribe started in my teenage years in my hometown Baptist church.  The adults in the church encouraged and supported us.  I found a sense of belonging and spiritual preparation for my future through singing in the youth choir, public speaking, and “lining the hymns.”  In my early adult life, I found the Daily Word, and Unity became my spiritual path of transformation.  I embrace daily spiritual practices such as prayer and meditation, healing and prosperity manifestations, and sacred service.  A spiritual desire to share this Truth and practices with others led me to become a Licensed Unity Teacher in 2009.  My heart is filled with gratitude for the opportunity to provide sacred service, fulfill my life purpose, and live a prosperous life.   It is a Divine gift of the Most High!

Where can you use your gifts and talents to provide service to others?

Tip #4 - The Friendship Soul Tribe

Friends, especially old friends, provide an incredible reflection of how far we have come in life.  I recently connected with high school friends and a college roommate I have not seen or talked to in over 50 years.  I am so grateful for the connections that have formed through honest and caring communication.  Moreover, I marvel at the new friends, virtual and in person, who currently share my high vibrations of life, love, and gratitude.  I attracted these friends to teach me lessons and help me evolve into a higher version of myself.

A Friendship Soul Tribe is a true blessing!  Value and nurture these connections.  Take none of it for granted. 

Tip #5 - Spoiler Alert: “Not everyone will make the cut.”

It is important to recognize and lovingly accept that “not everyone will make the cut.” Rev. Dr. Barbara King, founder of Hillside International Truth Center in Atlanta, stated, “It’s always a stepping-stone when you leave one group and go to another. People have a tendency to see it as a bad thing; it’s a good situation because it means your soul has grown [and] is ready for continuing growth.”  

Some people will provide us with unconditional support, and you will leave their presence feeling uplifted, rejuvenated, and supported.  Shout out to the friends who encouraged me to write my first blog post before the end of 2024!  Goal met. 💜

Other people will “drag on” your energy. They provide unsolicited critiques and sly remarks that may appear to be “a velvet knife.”  You leave their energy feeling uneasy and sometimes worse.  Something just didn’t “feel right.”

“Stand therefore, having fastened on the belt of truth, and having put on the breastplate of righteousness…” Ephesians 6:14

Flip the script on the “victim” story.   They did you a favor.  Express gratitude for the lessons learned and the spotlight shining on areas of your own life where you need to heal and to grow.   

Tip #6 – Let Go of Resentments, Old Baggage, and Old Stories

Forgiveness of ourselves and others is necessary as we attract our soul tribe.  It unblocks barriers to prosperity, personal transformation, and spiritual development.  Learn to release people with love and move on in silence.

“No weapon formed against you shall prosper…” Isaiah 54:17

Tip #7 - Your Soul Tribe Vibes and the Benefits:

The soul tribe you attract depends on you and how you show up in the world!  The Law of Attraction says you attract who you are.  Be a Light! 

Revs. Richard and Mary Alice Jafolla, Unity ministers, summed it up in their book The Quest - Chapter 45 - The Path“In your commitment to your quest for truth and transformation, you almost immediately observe a thinning out of traveling companions. It is not always easy to stand firm in support of your beliefs and your way of life, especially when that stand isolates. Eventually the drawbacks melt away, for people come to respect you for your convictions, and they begin to sit up and take notice of your loving, peace-filled manner. Eventually they start to wonder what it is you have, and how they can get some of it!“  

The Jafollas continued with this Truth nugget: “You have now begun to draw to you those who support your journey and who walk the same path as you. Your life is blessed with people who share with you on the deepest level at which people can share: the spiritual.”

I conclude that Attracting Your Soul Tribe is not personal or transactional. A Soul Tribe is highly vibrational. My Soul Tribe shares my high vibrations of life, love, wisdom, and gratitude.

May you attract a Soul Tribe that helps you live as the highest version of yourself in 2025.  Happy New Year and Happy New You!

In Gratitude and Prosperity,

Cora Alexander

Licensed Unity Teacher

Certified Life Purpose and Prosperity Coach

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